In Pursuit of Perfection
I was having a conversation recently about notions of perfection. Nothing was concluded, as is often the way, other than it is an unattainable standard. Everything can always be better. In seeking perfection the only thing measurable is the distance by which we fail. Perfection can only ever truly exist in the moment. This has […]

The Art of Noise
At a recent screening of Christopher Nolan’s mind-bendingly confusing Tenet, I found myself leaning forward to try and better understand some expositional dialogue that was, to say the least, somewhat muffled. On exiting the film, and exchanging What the Fuck was all that about? shrugs with the two friends I had seen it with, […]

Highfalutin Bollocks
With Oscar season now a distant memory and the usual list of worthy, issue-based films dominating the ceremony, I was wondering why this is nearly always the case. This year’s Best Picture winner, Parasite, a tale of two families from opposite ends of the socioeconomic spectrum, is hardly a light watch. Oscar recognition for films […]

Secret Bristol
Secret Bristol Whenever you visit a new city it’s all well and good visiting the essential sights, but what’s often more interesting is taking a leftfield detour. The path less trodden is often where you’ll locate the real heart and soul of a place. So with a cheery nod to the less-celebrated but more quirky, here are some […]